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Agroforestry planning is a key feature of Big Small Farm’s goal of creating a vibrant place for new farmers to learn sustainable agricultural practices.

Big Small Farm, Central Florida

Design plans for the 387-acre Big Small Farm were developed during 2013-2014 in a series of advanced permaculture design workshops led by Jono Neiger.

The diverse conditions of the property are ideal for supporting multiple agricultural operations. Recommendations were given for agroforestry practices like silvopasture and alley cropping. Alley cropping is where crops are grown in the “alleyways” between widely spaced rows of woody perennial fruit or timber species. By combining annual and perennial crops that yield multiple products and profits at different times, a farmer can use available space, time, and resources more effectively. Plantings to enhance wildlife and pollinator habitat can also be integrated into the rows and “alleyways”.

Key Features

  • Education and demonstration center
  • Alley cropping
  • Rotational grazing
  • Non-timber tree crops
  • Timber and processing facilities
  • Aquaculture
  • Managed conservation land

Services Provided

  • Long-term organizational visioning
  • Site planning
  • Agroforestry planning
  • Sustainable agricultural management plan
  • Educational workshops

The 387-acre Big Small Farm is a hub of farmer training, innovative agricultural practices, and farm and food education in Central Florida. The diverse conditions of the property support multiple agricultural operations like intensive row cropping, agroforestry and tree crops, aquaculture, and small and large livestock for dairy and beyond. There are also sensitive habitat areas that are carefully managed to regain their ecological health and yield non-timber forest products.

Big Small Farm Master Plan


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