Silvopasture Video Series
In collaboration with Wellspring Forest Farm and Inhabit Films, we recently wrapped up a 2-year project funded through the National Agroforestry Center. Silvopasture Practices for Land, Animal, and Farm Resilience began with an inventory of self-identified silvopasture practitioners in the Northeast United States. A total of 145 respondents across 9 states (ME, VT, NH, MA, CT, NY, RI, NJ, PA) reported stewarding ~27,000 acres in total, with ~5,300 of those acres in silvopasture management. From these respondents a range of examples were selected for a 9-part silvopasture video series, with accompanying case study sheets, to offer a snapshot of the practice in context.
The video series and case study sheets will be available through the US Forest Service website sometime in 2024. Until then, videos are being released biweekly through the Farming with Trees collective, a decentralized network encouraging collaborative projects in Agroforestry that are grounded in the wisdom and knowledge of people, communities and ecosystems. The full silvopasture video series will also be available on the Farming with Trees YouTube channel.

This project was made possible by a grant from the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service, National Agroforestry Center (NAC), under the authority of the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. All photos by Costa Boutsikaris, Inhabit Films. 2023.
Looks like a great project!
A correction, an invitation, and two requests:
— The correct NAC regional examples URL is now https://www.fs.usda.gov/nac/regional-examples/index.php
— We’re having a silvopasture workshop here in Vermont on 11/7, 1-4 p.m. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/silvopasture-hedgerows-designing-with-the-climate-tickets-1028984298737
— Could we use this photo, credited, for the above invitation page? https://www.regenerativedesigngroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Rising-Locust-02.jpg. It’s an example of the kind of silvopasture we’re promoting.
— For the workshop on 11/7, I’m gathering basic information for a “lightning round” of silvopasture project profiles, as examples. I would show a map or two (before/after), a photo or two, and share 50 or 100 words about the project (motivation, challenges to implement, notable aspects, and how it’s working out so far…). I would spend only a minute per project and am aiming for five of these “mini-profiles.” Do you have any project(s) for which you could share the above? I would certainly credit the people doing the work. The projects could be any kind of silvopasture practice except grazing in established woods.
Let’s talk if that’s easiest! (802) 505-3067
Best regards,
Thanks for reaching out Alex! We will follow up with you via email.